The word
baloch or baluch (balouch) is spelled in various ways as the word
balochistan , baluchistan (balouchestan) such as Baluch, Balouch,
balouchistan and so forth.. The Arabs
call it Blushi or Al-Baloshi. Indeed baloch
and balochistan are spelled in different ways by different people.
Some of the spelling you may come across are as follows:
baloch, balochi, balochis, balochistan, balochistani,
balochistanis,baluch, baluchi, baluchis, baluchistan, baluchistani,
balochestan, balochestani, balochestanis, baluchistanis, baluchestan,
baluchestani, balouch, balouchi, balouchis, balouchistan, balouchistani,
balouchistanis, balouchestan, balouchestani, balouchestanis, balooch,
baloochi, baloochis, baloochistan, baloochestan, baloochistani,
baloochestanis, baloochistanis, balochs, baloches, baluchs, balouches,
balochis, baluchis, baluches, baloochs, baloochis, bloshi, blushi, blosh,
blush, al-balushi, al-balosh, baluochistan, baluochestan, baluochistani,
baluochestani, baluoch, baluochi, baluoches, baluochis.Ttere
many other spelling of the Word BalochThere are certain unique features shared
by all Baloch. There are certain characteristics which have become the
hallmark and the distinguishing traits of the Baloch. Some of these
balochi characteristics simplicity
and blouchiness. The Baloch nation is composed of hundreds
of various baluchi tribes scattered at various balouchi places in
balouchestan. Individuals Baloch belong
to a particular balochi tribe and are identified as such. The Baloch nation
consists of different ethnic balochi (baluchi) groups who have their own
balouchi language or baluchi dialect. Hence, the word Baloch (balouch) means Balochi people, Brahui people,
Kurds (Balochi Kurds), Jatts, Jadgals, and also black baloch or balouchi
people of African
origin who are as Baloch as anyother baluch or baloch. Hence, Baloch does not have a
single racial connotation but refers to the baluchi people of Balochistan
including those balouchs who have migrated into the Balochistan and have adopted
Balochi Culture or those Baloch people who have migrated from
Balochistan or were thrown into exile by political upheavals. More can
be read at
One might say that
Balochistan is the land of baloch tribes. Because Baloch are of various
baloch tribes
and baluch clans. Although, this concept is diminishing in its strengths, it
still exists in rural area and in the north of Balochistan. However in
the coastal region of Balochistan known as Makoran or Makkaran the
concept of tribe has long faded away. People of Makoran are not
dependent primarily on the land. Hence, the old tradition of land
ownership and caste system which goes with it does not exist. Makoranis
depend on the sea for living. They are involved in sea transport,
fishing, and trade with other countries. The Makoranis do not come from
a particular tribe or caste. There are ex-landlords, ex-slaves and many
others from various tribes and castes who are involved in fishing or sea
trade. The original people were called "Mead" that means
someone who earn his living through the sea and primarily by way of
fishing. Meads were very versatile and dynamic. They moved from one
coast to another. The sea was every where - from Bandar Abbas to
Karachi. The interesting fact about the Meads is that they had rejected
the back-ward and suppressive tribalism and the caste system long time
ago. Hence, they were, and still are, despised by the tribal
chiefs. The Meads or Makoranis are much more peaceful and non-violent in
comparison with the Baloch from the northern part of Balochistan who
seems to be warriors and much more angry with life. This difference in
temperament can be attributed to environment and brutal tribalism. The
environment in the south (Makoran area) is rather humid and constant.
There is no tribe to fight against. The northern part of Balochistan is mountainous
and wild with hot temperatures in the summer and very cold and some
times freezing weather in the winter.